Beginner’s Guide from physicist (1): Sheng Ji’s first-time players’ strategy cheatsheet (升级上手指南)

There is a popular card game in Chinese community called "Sheng Ji". The rules are very involved, especially for first-time players (at least for me at the beginning). After some trial and errors, I summarized the strategy in the following: 1. There are only two teams. (Let's call them A and B.) 2. A round … Continue reading Beginner’s Guide from physicist (1): Sheng Ji’s first-time players’ strategy cheatsheet (升级上手指南)

Are you serious?? re: got hacked

Boys, I like Aaron a lot and admire him. But I got to look for a postdoc!! Otherwise how am I going to get cereal and milk for my son next month?? And MIT IT department, can you get the site back on within next hour please?

a short note on passing my thesis defense

This little note is written to memorize my passing the dissertation defense. Thank you everyone in my life for all the supports during this amazing journey. It took my some time to develop the wisdom of knowing being smart only gets you as far as the best vulnerable fighter, one is only invincible when he stands by … Continue reading a short note on passing my thesis defense

Motivation, theory and hypothesis for practicing speed reading

Motivation is simple. My to-read list simply grows at a speed I can't even keep track of it properly. From a quick search on-line: It seems that Evelyn Wood's Reading Dynamics is the most reputable in terms of endorsement by famous people. Reading genius 2.0 claims itself to be more up-to-date and incorporated recently brain research results. Photo Reading sounds cool (25,000 words … Continue reading Motivation, theory and hypothesis for practicing speed reading